The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas

My thoughts

I read this book after the first three. I had googled the order and from what I read you get a better look and feel for Celaena and what all she endured if you read them in the order that I did. I believe it now. This book was excellent and that ending.. Oh my what an ending. 

This is a compilations of all the prequels that the author wrote. Each about something that Celaena was to do. Some person she was suppose to take out. Also a good look at Sam and Arobynn. I adored Sam but hate, hate, hate Arobynn. He’s just awful. 

These books give some info into what happened before Celaena was the King’s Assassin. Before she was brought to the Glass Palace. Before her life changes. Before…

I really enjoyed reading all of these prequels and each gave me a deeper look into what Celaena went through. The things she did. The pain she endured. The heartache and betrayal. The last book will hurt to read. The ending just may bring a few tears to your eyes. 


Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom’s most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful and ruthless Assassin’s Guild, Celaena yields to no one and trusts only her fellow killer for hire, Sam.

When Celaena’s scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, she finds herself acting independently of his wishes—and questioning her own allegiance. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies alike, and discovers that she feels far more for Sam than just friendship. But by defying Arobynn’s orders, Celaena risks unimaginable punishment, and with Sam by her side, he is in danger, too. They will have to risk it all if they hope to escape Arobynn’s clutches—and if they fail, they’ll lose not just a chance at freedom, but their lives . . .

A prequel to Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas offers readers a deeper look into the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling—and deadly—world.

Included in this volume:
The Assassin and the Pirate Lord
The Assassin and the Healer
The Assassin and the Desert
The Assassin and the Underworld
The Assassin and the Empire

Published by Linda Moore

I’m an avid reader and leave reviews on every book I read. I love reading and you will hardly ever see me without my kindle. I have an active blog at:

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